Who Would Bully a Baby?

Check out my guest post today at http://theyareallofme.blogspot.com/!  Destany is doing a great segment on bullying; engaging readers in a conversation about this pervasive phenomenon.

While I have always been aware that children are more than just tiny adults, I have always valued my children and respected them as much as I respect other adults.  But I have often noticed that many adults do not treat children in a way that they would treat other adults.  Many adults bully children - usually without even thinking about it - simply because the adults feel that they have a right to say what they please to children.

This tendency is one of the core types of bullying that I see happen to my children.

See the rest at http://theyareallofme.blogspot.com/2012/07/submitted-by-kellie-while-i-have-always.html!

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Our Mindful Life: Who Would Bully a Baby?

Our Mindful Life

Our Mindful Life is about paying attention to what it is that we do on a day to day basis and how we impact each other and the planet. We will talk about all of the things that we do here at home to make ourselves and the world a better place.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Who Would Bully a Baby?

Check out my guest post today at http://theyareallofme.blogspot.com/!  Destany is doing a great segment on bullying; engaging readers in a conversation about this pervasive phenomenon.

While I have always been aware that children are more than just tiny adults, I have always valued my children and respected them as much as I respect other adults.  But I have often noticed that many adults do not treat children in a way that they would treat other adults.  Many adults bully children - usually without even thinking about it - simply because the adults feel that they have a right to say what they please to children.

This tendency is one of the core types of bullying that I see happen to my children.

See the rest at http://theyareallofme.blogspot.com/2012/07/submitted-by-kellie-while-i-have-always.html!

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