Holiday Season is Coming!

Thursdays around our home are cleaning days, these days. And Thursdays around the blog are going to turn to cleaning or greening for a bit. Tonight, I'm finding myself thinking about the upcoming holiday season, and what handmade items I'm planning on creating this year. At our house, there are Halloween decorations to make, Autumn decorations to make, Thanksgiving dinners to contribute to, and then, of course, the winter holidays with all of their decorations, gifts, and food!

I do my best each year to fulfill the handmade pledge by making all of the gifts we give by hand. It usually doesn't 100% work out for me (like the ugly slippers from last year that were simply NOT giftable, or the toys that Papa was set on buying for his brother), but we've made many a great holiday gift! We also make many holiday decorations each year, participate in a handmade ornament swap, and make some excellent food that we only indulge in over the holidays.

So, here I sit contemplating gifts for the littles, and handmade ornaments and decorations for this year. So far, I'm thinking hand puppets for the Bean and the Bug, some grasping toys for Squeaker, and perhaps this will be the year I actually make sets of rainbow dish cloths for the adults on my gift list.

What are you planning?

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Our Mindful Life: Holiday Season is Coming!

Our Mindful Life

Our Mindful Life is about paying attention to what it is that we do on a day to day basis and how we impact each other and the planet. We will talk about all of the things that we do here at home to make ourselves and the world a better place.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Holiday Season is Coming!

Thursdays around our home are cleaning days, these days. And Thursdays around the blog are going to turn to cleaning or greening for a bit. Tonight, I'm finding myself thinking about the upcoming holiday season, and what handmade items I'm planning on creating this year. At our house, there are Halloween decorations to make, Autumn decorations to make, Thanksgiving dinners to contribute to, and then, of course, the winter holidays with all of their decorations, gifts, and food!

I do my best each year to fulfill the handmade pledge by making all of the gifts we give by hand. It usually doesn't 100% work out for me (like the ugly slippers from last year that were simply NOT giftable, or the toys that Papa was set on buying for his brother), but we've made many a great holiday gift! We also make many holiday decorations each year, participate in a handmade ornament swap, and make some excellent food that we only indulge in over the holidays.

So, here I sit contemplating gifts for the littles, and handmade ornaments and decorations for this year. So far, I'm thinking hand puppets for the Bean and the Bug, some grasping toys for Squeaker, and perhaps this will be the year I actually make sets of rainbow dish cloths for the adults on my gift list.

What are you planning?

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