I don’t talk a lot about our special needs in my blog, because at the end of the day, they aren’t what our family is about. But special needs are definitely a common theme at our house. I have Graves disease and have for most of my life now. Auto-immune diseases run in my family. My daughter has a hearing aid and some other unidentified syndrome that may or may not be dwarfism. Both of my boys have numerous food allergies (oh wait, and so do I!). And food allergies are in the same family as my Graves disease and Celiac, which my mother in-law had. Oh, they are also related to tongue ties, which both boys and my husband had. And have I ever mentioned that the boys have to be clad in natural fibers or else they break out in rashes? Heck, even our first family pet had food allergies! Special needs are something that we just take for granted around here.
Labels: Carnival of Natural Parenting, Food Sensitivities and Allergies, Mindful Eating, Mindful Parenting