These are just the reasons why we have chosen to move to more natural products in our lives. We want our planet to be viable and healthy for our children and grandchildren. We want our children to be healthy enough to enjoy the world we have saved for them. We want to keep their chemical exposure as small as possible, to let their little bodies grow, thrive and function in the way they were intended. At Mindful Life Shop, we are committed to helping you do the same thing for your family. We have an amazing line of natural products to help you live with less chemical exposure, and to make a more minimal impact on the Earth. We have the EWG (Environmental Working Group) rating for each cosmetic product we carry clearly listed in the product information. The number of the rating is a clickable link, so that you have direct access to the information about that product to help you make an informed decision about what it is that you are buying. If you aren’t yet aware of EWG, please click the link in one or more of the listings and browse their website! They offer a valuable wealth of information. And, of course, we offer all of this at a price that is far more affordable than our retail counterparts. Our wholesale pricing is typically 20-50% less than paying retail for the same items.
Please, if you haven’t been by the site lately, stop by and have a look around! You can find us at We’ve been working hard to add more listings, so there are probably several more products on the site than the last time you visited.
And our money saving opportunities don’t stop with our wholesale pricing! For further savings you can:
- Refer a friend or three! For every friend you refer who spends $150, you will receive $5 in store credit. Simply have them enter your name in the referral area when they create their account. There is no limit to the number of referral bonuses you can get.
- Tell us about other products you buy that aren’t available yet on our site. We’ll try to get them for you, which will save you more money on them.
Last, the site is more than a store – it is about our actual lives and the changes we can make to better them. If you have questions about products, or you are interested in making changes in some of the products you use but don’t know where to start, please email me and I would be happy to assist you in your journey!
Yours in Peace,
Kellie Barr
Owner, Mindful Life Shop